Six-year-old Rusty Roy relaxes (with the help of an anesthetic) before getting an X-ray at the Almonte Veterinary Services on Friday (Feb. 1) because of pain in his nose. A generally calm dog, but not a fan of the fluids the doctors flushed through his nose to clean everything out prior to the X-ray.
This shot was included in a full broadsheet colour page photo essay I completed for the Feb. 5 edition of The Almonte Gazette.
© Katie Mulligan/Metroland - Ottawa Region
Did you drag him into the sun spot or... The cross on his forehead is very—well it could be a good sign or his last rites. Hmm, two ways to take this. But he is only 6 I think... So, he lives a long life and kills many groundhogs. Happy ending!
That's the X-ray room, actually... So that is a light from the machine, basically used to put the animal in the right place. I shot that right before I was kicked out of the room so I didn't get X-ray'd myself.
I still can't believe how much access they gave me to the animal hospital, watching surgeries and everything!
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