Hall of Famer Johnny Bowers visited our neck of the woods to raise money for Roger's House and CHEO on Saturday (Feb. 2). The former goalie for the Toronto Maple Leafs signed photo after photo, jersey after jersey, and whatever else fans brought in for him to sign his name to. While it was advertised he would be at the shop from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., crowds began to arrive before 8 a.m., and calling equally early, to find out if he had made the journey safely after the snow storm the night before. Here, Bowers is shown with quite possibly one of his youngest fans - Spencer from Carleton Place.
© Katie Mulligan/Metroland - Ottawa Region
Fantastic! He was my hero growing up (there were no Ottawa Senators). Used to play road hockey and I'd be Johnny. I took a lot of tennis balls in the mouth trying to be like him.
Thanks Katie.
Thankfully, they were only tennis balls and not actually hockey pucks, or else you might look a little different when you smiled.
He was a real trooper, sitting there for more than four hours signing absolutely everything his fans brought in. Cool dude, that Johnny.
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