Friday, January 18, 2008

An afternoon in St. Stephen's Green

School boys have a laugh scaring pigeons at St. Stephen's Green in Dublin, Ireland, in May 2007.
© Katie Mulligan


Anonymous said...

Great shot. Pigeons, which I think of as always trying to strut away as diginified as possible—from people in parks that bother them, are forced into freaking out and losing it by little hell raising lads who have been forced to wear dignified clothing that they'd probably rather not be wearing.

Huge, run-on-sentence, but punctuation eludes me at the moment...

K7 said...

I suppose putting up with hell raisers like the lads in the shot is worth the leftover scraps and crumbs the pigeons are able to pick up from others in the park who stop to eat, read and relax.
Nonetheless, it was our last day in Dublin and it was well spent.