Sunday, July 24, 2011

Downey / Chapman

Back to the old stomping grounds: On Friday night, T and I headed for my old hangout to take in a comedy show, hosted by old friends Adam Wallace Downey and Andrew McLean Chapman. Despite countless bugs, hot spotlights and loud pickup trucks tearing by in the background, the two pulled off a hilarious show for the hometown crowd. Long story short: It was awesome.

Thanks guys!

© Katie Mulligan / 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The write stuff

Oddly enough, this has not been a wedding-filled summer. The original plan was to take a break from writing and spend more time shooting, both for fun and for hire. So, what am I doing? Outside of my day job, I'm doing just as much freelance writing as shooting.
I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.
That said, I have been fortunate to have opportunities to work for a number of publications and organizations over the past few months. The above photo is from a recent story near downtown Ottawa, which is outside of my normal "coverage" zone. Checking out areas I am not as familiar with has been a lot of fun.
What out for new Puppets Up! International Puppet Festival photos next month. Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact I have way too much fun at that event. Needless to say, I'm excited my old paper has asked me to take on that assignment in August.

© Katie Mulligan / 2011