© Katie Mulligan / Ottawa Region Media Group 2009
It's been way, way, way too long. I know that. I'm a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad updater. So here is a small selection of recent images.
I don't think I will bother going into a lot of detail about each image. I write cutlines all day long when really, I just like looking at photos. Here is a summary:
Puppets Up International Puppet Festival (Aug. 8 and 9) organizers and puppeteers took downtown Ottawa by storm in early June. Picture 20-some puppets and puppeteers walking through the market, Parliament Hill, etc. It was great.
Comedian Lorne Elliot comes to Almonte.
A therapeautic walk through a grass labyrinth is soothing and good for the soul, particularly when you leave the shoes behind.
OPP hit the streets to issue positive tickets to youths who were up to some good. The local community constable writes tickets to some youngsters who were spotted wearing helmets and following traffic signals when bicycling in town. Their tickets can be redeemed at local businesses for free treats. Their tickets also enter them into a draw to win bicycles, skateboards and other goodies.
Social services workers, part of CUPE 1521-02 (pretty much Canada's largest union), remain on the picket line on day 10 of the strike in Lanark County.
That's all for now, folks. If you happened to come by, thanks for reading.