Sunday, November 23, 2008


This artist creates wonderful images with her mind and her hands. I just like to document stuff.
© Katie Mulligan

Hockey night in the Valley

I used to shoot over the glass whenever I was covering the junior b hockey games. One day, I heard the crack of a stick hitting a puck. My instinct told me to duck, and I am so glad I did: a puck went sailing over my head barely moments later. I was quick and I was lucky. I'm not going to push my luck any more.
© Katie Mulligan

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A cause for celebration

A little victory on the volleyball court. The lads embrace each other after scoring a few points in a row during their final set in the semifinals last week at a local high school.
© Katie Mulligan

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let the sun shine in

Window lighting is just plain lovely.
© Katie Mulligan

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More remembering

Images from Remembrance Day in Carleton Place, November 2008.
© Katie Mulligan


This always pulls at my heart strings. Remembrance Day ceremonies are generally the same, and they have the same impact on me every time.
With Remembrance Day coming and going, it has reminded me that I have much to learn about my family. I don't know any relatives that were in the war, but I think my great grandfather, my grandmother's father, was a pilot in the Second World War. I think. See? I don't even know for sure. Anyways, since my grandmother's mother passed away at a very young age, that meant the kids all stayed in an orphanage while their father was fighting overseas. One of her brothers took off to try and look for his father. It was winter, so the frostbite did a number on him and he lost a number of toes from it. It was not a happy time for my grandmother and her siblings. Anyways, I think it's high time I learn more about this because it's part of my family history and it's important that I find out more.
© Katie Mulligan

Friday, November 7, 2008


In what seems like the blink of an eye, football season has come and gone. I'm sad, because as much as football is not exactly known as a calm and relaxing sport, I found it peaceful spending time on the field covering the sport. The weather was usually comfortable because it was autumn and I got to just shoot away. Now, here comes the cold weather, which means my camera batteries will die a lot quicker. Sigh.
Katie Mulligan

Happy birthday, Pike!

We call these mail pods. There are a handful of these located in my last neighbourhood. This is my dear friend Pike in a pod. We talked about doing a pod shoot for months. It was legendary.
© Katie Mulligan

A celebration

Eid al-Adha, or عيد الأضحى , known as the festival of sacrifices. Celebrations took place last winter in Ottawa with families coming together from all parts of the nation's capital to celebrate with food, music, prayer and, of course, Little Ray's Reptiles.
Katie Mulligan

Sunny days... Sunny, sunny summer days.

A sunny stop in the village of Ashton during the final days of summer.
Katie Mulligan

Return of the blue

Federal election 2008: Conservative Scott Reid, joined by wife Lynda, is all smiles moments after learning of his win on Oct. 14.
© Katie Mulligan

Basement nights

Another Saturday night in Nepean.
© Katie Mulligan

Better late than never, right?

I've been terrible, I know. Absolutely terrible. So, here come a whole bunch of posts to hopefully give any of my readers (I think I have four or five now!) something to keep them busy for approximately two minutes. I promise to try harder. I promise not to wait two months.
© Katie Mulligan