This always pulls at my heart strings. Remembrance Day ceremonies are generally the same, and they have the same impact on me every time.
With Remembrance Day coming and going, it has reminded me that I have much to learn about my family. I don't know any relatives that were in the war, but I think my great grandfather, my grandmother's father, was a pilot in the Second World War. I think. See? I don't even know for sure. Anyways, since my grandmother's mother passed away at a very young age, that meant the kids all stayed in an orphanage while their father was fighting overseas. One of her brothers took off to try and look for his father. It was winter, so the frostbite did a number on him and he lost a number of toes from it. It was not a happy time for my grandmother and her siblings. Anyways, I think it's high time I learn more about this because it's part of my family history and it's important that I find out more.
© Katie Mulligan