Oddly enough, this has not been a wedding-filled summer. The original plan was to take a break from writing and spend more time shooting, both for fun and for hire. So, what am I doing? Outside of my day job, I'm doing just as much freelance writing as shooting.
I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.
That said, I have been fortunate to have opportunities to work for a number of publications and organizations over the past few months. The above photo is from a recent story near downtown Ottawa, which is outside of my normal "coverage" zone. Checking out areas I am not as familiar with has been a lot of fun.
What out for new Puppets Up! International Puppet Festival photos next month. Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact I have way too much fun at that event. Needless to say, I'm excited my old paper has asked me to take on that assignment in August.